Tne duas in the book are:
- Dua before sleeping
- Dua after waking up
- Dua for morning and evening
- Dua for entering the toilet
- Dua on leaving the toilet
- Dua after Adhan
- Dua before starting salah
- Dua al Qunoot
- Tasbeeh (glorification)
- Dua upon meeting a muslim
- Dua before eating
- Dua after eating
- Dua when leaving home
- Dua while entering the home
- Dua to increase knowledge
- Dua on boarding a car or other vehicle
- Dua for wearing new things
- Dua to thank Allah
- Dua to thank parents
- Dua to thank people
- Istighfar
- Saiyyidul Istighfar